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Safer Payments was acquired by IBM in Jan. 2016. The acquisition brought a highly effective cognitive fraud detection system into the IBM fold. While technically sound, the product had experiential challenges.

User Experience

Despite a technically deep and highly functional product with a strong user base, Safer Payments had not meaningfully evolved its user experience since its inception. User experience-wise, there were numerous usability and workflow challenges to overcome. 
Carbon Design System

In addition to needing a thoughtfully refreshed user experience, there was also an IBM-wide mandate to adopt the Carbon Design System. The challenge in doing so was that many components were oversized when attempting to replicate the data-dense, efficient, targeted workflow users had come to know and love.

When the Safer Payments product was acquired, its team came with. Primarily consisting of product managers and engineers, the team never had the opportunity to work with designers before. Collaborating meant we all had to learn each other’s process and co-create what our new normal would look like together.